We are an Architectural Studio established in Alicante in 2005.
The professional activity carried out by us is normally based in the geographical area of the Valencian Community, especially on the Costa Blanca coast, and is directed mainly to the development of Architecture Projects and Construction Management for both public administration and the private sector. On the other hand, the development of our professional activity over time has led us to other related professional fields, which has allowed us to also provide Technical Assistance and Consulting Services of all kinds.
Throughout our careers we have dealt with all kinds of projects, this fact has allowed us to meet and select the best consultants, builders, industrialists, etc., as well as learn more about the management of the entire construction process. As a result, we usually offer our customers representation, acting as single interlocutor with any of the agents involved (public administration, industrial, technical, etc.) leading the management, coordination, control and production processes.
The firm´s work philosophy is almost handmade and very personal and we like that. We understand our work as a process in which excellence is pursued, and where there is a double objective; fully meet the objectives of the client or user, and to achieve beauty through building. To this end, rigor, seriousness and commitment are key to the working system. We only have our word, and when we commit ourselves, we really do it until the end.
We do not ask our customers to simply trust in us, we offer instead detailed work plans, with precise indication of every step of the process, in such a way as to be assured in advance of how we will advance together to the total satisfaction of their objectives.
José Antonio Cantó Hidalgo. Architect + Technical Architect
Nathalie De Vuyst. Interior Designer
Eduardo Díez Guerrier (IDEEE). Structural Analysis and Design
Gaspar Valencia García. Facilities Analysis and Design
David Berenguer Solbes. Facilities Analysis and Design
Javier Blasco maestro. Industrial Management
Luís de Diego Fort. Technical Architect
Ernesto Pérez Colomina. Technical Architect
José Manuel Puerta González. Technical Architect
Carlos Romero Chillón. Topography
Inmaculada Aznar García. Legal Adviser
2nd Prize | Cemetery Extension of Guardo | Guardo, Palencia 2015
1st Prize | Marina Management and Customer Service Building. Port of Denia | Denia, Alicante 2004
2nd Prize | Official Architects Association of Alicante Headquarters | Elda, Alicante 2003
Special Award | Cultural Centre | Orzinuovi, Brescia (Italy) 2000
Recent Architecture in Alicante. ARA 07 | ViA Architecture | Spain. ISSN 1888-3702
Valbuena Abbey. Drawings | Cátedra de Análisis de Formas I de la ETSAV | Spain, ISBN 84-7009-455-6
Competition for the European Architecture Students | City of Orzinuovi
Territorial College of Architects of Alicante | Architecture Exhibition 2016-2017 | Alicante 2018
“El Cielo Restaurant. Alicante”
Territorial College of Architects of Alicante | Architecture Exhibition 2006-2007 | Alicante 2008
“Service Building for Management and User Assistance in the Nautical-Sport Zone 3 of the Port of Denia”